Saturday, September 03, 2005

Crowded Street.

Deep Breath, Calmed spirit. Prepared for action.
The body explodes with raw adrenaline,
and accelerates without the function of any nerves.
There is no future, there was no history.
Just one explosion, a motivated mind, and a ruthless body.

A Foot comes down and dents the cement under it.
In a rhythmic motion the body moves above the concrete leaving a massive trail of behind it.

Car drives by.

Adrenaline bursts into the legs, and they’re driven up to the next level.
The earth trembles with every blow it receives, and the body continues predictably to deliver forceful bursts of energy.

Mind is beginning to fill with thoughts, speed noticeably reduces.

Car drives by.

New motivation. Time for a race.

Slow down, stop.

Deep Breath

Car is coming.

On your mark.

The ground erupts.
Concrete starts to behave like jelly.
The legs expand to sustain the speed.
The mind is shut off, the spirit takes over.
Pride refuses to allow the body to loose.

I’m sure you’ve seen my marks. You try to dodge them on the road.

The body is made to fly.

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