Saturday, February 11, 2006

Lament all you want.

It isn't difficult to imagine why things turned out the way they did.

I of course wasn't planning on any of this but it happened, things happened as my Dad always said and I guess this is just one of those things.

Although, I wish it hadn't.

The next day I awoke to my incessant alarm blaring at 6:50 in the morning, the snooze button is mocking me, begging me to touch it. I regain my composure and turn off my alarm. It had been a late night and my eyes are lids are like velcro, I navigate myself to the bathroom with my eyes closed and splash some cool water on my face. My eyes open, I look at my reflection and can't turn away. I'm staring at my own eyes and I just don't understand how this person looking at me could have done what he had done. I force myself to break eye contact and turn around, I walk back to the bed and lean, soon all balance is lost and gravity handles the rest. I crash onto my bed with my mind processing a million things at once. Restless, but not confused. What was done needed to be done and today we shall see the results of my actions, seconds after the though crossed my mind I heard sirens.

My body went into panic mode, peak through the curtains and see a police car parked across the street, the oversized cop was making his way to my house with a gun drawn and a look that pierced my heart to its core.

The door bell rang.

I didn't move.

Then three quick rings.

Finally a voice, and a crash.

The door fell on the ground like a pathetic piece of wood that was being held by super-glue.

The cop looks at me standing 3 feet away from him. And asks, "are you the idiot that didn't register for freepsps through ?"

I nod, he laughs and walks away.
"Yup that was him, what an idiot!!!" I heard him say.

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